Song Notes Books

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Raag Vrindavani Sarang, Ban Ban Dhoondan Jaaoon राग वृन्दावनी सारंग बन बन ढूंढन जाऊं

Raag Brindavani Sarang written lyrics and notations
Raag Vrindavani Sarang is a raag based on a Folk Song.
राग  वृन्दावनी सारंग एक लोक गीत पर आधारित राग है . इसके आरोह में पांच स्वर तथा अवरोह में भी पांच स्वर लगते हैं . अतः इसकी जाति औढ़व -औढ़व है.  इसका वादी स्वर रे  तथा संवादी स्वर प  है .
Raag Vrindavani Sarang is based on a Folk Song. It has 5 notes in assending and 5 notes in descending order of playing sargam. It is Pentatonic. Its type or Jaati is Odav-Odav. Its Vaadi Swar is Re and Samvaadi Swar is Pa.
आरोह  : .नी  सा  रे  म  प  नी  सां
Aaroh or Ascending notes: .N S R M P N S'
अवरोह : सां  नी  प  म  रे  सा
Avroh or descending notes: S' N P M R S
पकड़ : .नी  सा  रे,  म  रे, प  म  रे,  सा
Pakad: .N S R, M R,  P M R, S
समय : गाने  बजाने का समय दिन का तीसरा प्रहर यानी मध्याह्न से अपराह्न तक  १२ -३ बजे दोपहर
Time: Time of Singing and playing the Raag Vrindavani Sarang is third prahar means mid day 12-3pm
ठाट: काफी
That: Kafi
वादी: रे (रिषभ )
Vadi: Re( Rishabh)
संवादी : प (पंचम)
Samvadi: P (Pancham)
ध्यान देने योग्य बात है कि शुद्ध नी के बाद सां तथा कोमल नी के बाद प का प्रयोग किया जाता है
जैसे  प नी सां , प नी प, या सां नी प,
It is to note that in ascending order Shudh Ni is used and in Descending order Komal Ni is used.
After Shudh N note S' will come and after Komal N note P will come in this Raaga Vrindavani Sarang.

Raag Vrindavani Sarang, Khyal Ban Ban Dhoondan Jaaoon, Teen taal

Monday, 18 February 2013

Mohabbatein Hamko hamin se chura lo

This song of Mohabbatein is violin based and is very melodius and popular. Many people want to learn this song. here is the written notation in hindi of the song of Mohabbatein

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Kya yahi pyaar hai written notations

This famous song of Rocky is very melodius. Here is the written notations in Hindi of the song. Hope you will like it. please send your comments.
Film Rocky song Kya yahi pyaar hai written notations in hindi bollywood song